Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July 21 - Death Valley

In 2005, the 100-year bloom hit at Death Valley and I convinced my friends Allie and Ryan to tag along. The trip itself was a disaster and the 100-year bloom wasn't as amazing as everyone said it was going to be, but I'm still glad I've been to Death Valley, I have little need to go back and I was still able to get a few good photos out of it.

This picture is of Badwater, the lowest point in North America, 282 ft below sea level (thanks Wikipedia!). Thousands of years ago there were salt water lakes here. Eventually the lakes dried up and left a bunch of salt. There was actually some water puddles in the "lake" due to the above average rainfalls in February that contributed to the 100-year bloom. The mountain ranges in the background are of the Sierra Nevadas. Later on, I'll show a picture of the flowers that brought all of Southern California and Nevada to this place on the same weekend, but I actually thought this was a more interesting picture.

1 comment:

  1. Great use of perspective here. The endless mounds pull your eye right into the picture. Out of curiosity, what kind of lens are you using? I haven't been carrying a wide-angle around with me for awhile, and I'm starting to realize that might be a mistake...
