Today's Seven Wonder comes to us from Brazil. This Christ the Redeemer statue is the "newest" Seven Wonder and was only built 80 years ago out of concrete. There was a huge campaign by both Catholic organization and Brazilian tourist organizations to get this statue on the list of Seven Wonders and it looks like it worked.
It's kind of the "oddball" of the list because it is so new and well.. small.. It's only 100 ft tall. Think of the others on the list, the Pyramids, the Great Wall, etc. Besides that, if you were to pick one statue on a list like this, wouldn't it be the Statue of Liberty? Or if you were picking a "modern" item to be put on the list, wouldn't it be the Eiffel Tower. I don't know if Americans and Europeans were just not interested in this competition or if this campaign effort was just that successful. Probably a little of both.
We did enjoy the statue, along with the rest of Brazil, it was packed up there that day due to a local holiday. It has beautiful views of the city, which I'm sure I'll post here in time. Enjoy your Thursday, Friday is almost here!
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