So, I know you've seen Chichen Itza before and I just found a slightly different angle of it. Trying to get one without people in it again. We loved Chichen Itza and spent as much time as we could here. It's just so interesting to see how a completely different culture celebrated life and religion. Any time you walk through these sites (and we've done a few now) you wonder how life would be if they weren't killed off by the Europeans (in this case, the Spaniards).
It also makes you wonder about our "throw away" culture. We don't "like" buildings that are older than 70-100 years old and we tend to tear them down. Heck, we tear down our stadiums after 30 years (see previous post about the Coloseum, its been around almost 2000 years). When people come to visit whatever is America 500 years from now, what are they going to see, what are they going to know about our architecture if everything is torn down. Anyway, just a random thought.. Enjoy your Wednesday!
Very cool, I love the textures. (This is Dave Fry, it wouldn't just let me comment as me. Weird.)