Friday, September 18, 2009

Sep 18 - Colonial Cathedral, Cusco

This is the Colonial Cathedral in Cusco, Peru. It is considered one of the most beautiful Cathedrals in the Western Hemisphere (ie North and South America). This is not necessarily because of what is on the outside, but more so, what is inside.

The Incas loved gold, but not as a monetary value, they just thought it was pretty and they put it on all their buildings. The top of all their walls would be covered in it. The friendly neighborhood Spaniards thought that was a waste of the gold and melted it all down and put it inside of their church. So, all the full sized wall murals and alters and pretty much everything inside this church is gold. There was one wall that was all silver and that looked pretty cool too.

The Spaniards pretty much knew nothing about earthquakes and their architecture took a hit. This church has been rebuilt 3 times since the 1600s. The Incan buildings that weren't destroyed by the Spainards to build their own buildings are still standing because they understood the science of Siesmology.

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