The hardest part about taking photos in a touristy area, is the tourists. They are always getting in the way, always trying to get the "best shot" (which usually happens to be right in front of you trying to get the "best shot"). I admit, I too can be a tourist, but I think because of my travels and because of my enjoyment of photography, I tend to be more aware of where I am with the camera and where others are with the camera. I take my shot and get out of the way, I don't stay and admire the location if I know it's a good one for photo taking.
Here is Chichen Itza, one of the newly nominated 7 manmade wonders of the world. AND, without people in it. Luckily, they no longer allow people to climb up it as it was not only dangerous due to the steepness, it also was damaging to the structure. Plus, it keeps people out of the photos! Although the pyramid is centered in the photo, I like the lines that the staircases produce as they run off the page. I think the blue sky peeking out of the clouds made it a great day for picture taking because it meant it wasn't too bright in the middle of the day and created some nice contrast in the rocks of the pyramid.
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