What would you do if you met a woman from another country that completely stole your heart? You'd move there for her right? You'd sell all your belongings, pack up and move to her country to be with her.. Right? Sure, because you love her. But what if you get there, you find out she's pregnant with your child and then runs off to Europe with her manager, never to see her or your child again. What would you do then?
Well, this man that we met in Brazil started living on the streets and in favellas (illegal shanty towns). After this happened to him, he started painting pregnant black women and adding mosaic tiles to an outdoor staircase. When people heard of his story, they started sending him tiles to add. He's now been doing this for over 20 years. He makes money selling his art and taking photographs. He still adds tile to the staircase.
As for me? After some time of obviously being heartbroken and spending time trying to find my newborn kid, I think I'd move on.. I don't think I'd want to live on the streets lookin like a crazy man, but who knows.. It's never happened to me.